Liberia's exploding youth population is ripe for leadership development and capacity-building. GPFA has a keen interest in Liberia's girls, youth and women because their status is the linchpin to true reconciliation and development. GPFA provides educational and leadership development opportunities. When a girl or woman is educated, it radically transforms the trajectory of her own life and family.
The high rate of unintended pregnancy and vulnerability to sexual coercion impedes girls' advancement in education. Nearly 38 percent of women aged 20-24 birthed their first child before turning 18 years old. A 2008/2009 National School Census report revealed a consistent decrease in enrollment from intake to Grade 7 to Grade 8, and that girls are enrolled at a lower rate less than boys in all Liberian counties. Of enrolled girls, 40% reported exchanging sex for grades or to waive school fees.
GPFA provides constructive opportunities for Liberians. Through its mentorships and family planning programs, GPFA supports young women to make smart, healthy choices about their bodies and future. We provide full scholarships so that students can concentrate on their studies. We provide paid internships so students are compensated in the field for which they studied.
GPFA funds full scholarships for girls, youth and women. Liberia has a high percentage of youth who need constructive outlets to shape their futures in a positive way. The government has increased access to primary school, but secondary and university level remain elusive. Access to higher education enables Liberian women to enter the formal labor market, develop as community leaders, and better provide for their present and future families.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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