Acquisition of a new industrial fridge and freezer to fulfill nutritional needs for our residents, girls 6 to 18 victims of abuse, neglect or abandonment. Unfortunately, our industrial freezer and refrigerator, are no longer operational forcing us to limit the amount of food that we can storage and altering the monthly planned menus. We do not have the capacity to safely storage food and the management of the situation is greatly compromising our limited monthly budget.
Our industrial freezer and refrigerator are both no longer operational. It is difficult to plan and fulfill nutritional needs for our girls with very limited storage place. The conservation of the food has been affected as we have to store them in small refrigerators without the required temperatures for freshness and preservation. It is also compromising our budget as we have to buy in small amounts increasing food expenses. The program does not have the funds to buy this equipment.
The acquisition of new industrial refrigerator and industrial fridge with the capacity to storage enough food to fulfill monthly nutritional requirements for our girls keeping a high quality of health and safety standards.
We have the responsibility to provide a healthy nutrition for our girls and even more to teach them healthy eating habits that promote a healthy lifestyle. We will be doing that by providing menus that stimulates good eating habits, reduce obesity and foster a better lifestyle. We will be also assuring that the quality of the food provided is of excellence quality preventing food poisoning or any their medical conditions.