Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains

by educate.
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Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains
Access to High School in Honduran Coffee Mountains


ES: educate. trabaja para empoderar a ninos, ninas y jovenes en Honduras a traves de la educacion. Nuestro programa de becas apoya a estudiantes de zonas rurales para que puedan acceder al colegio, junto con actividades semanales para desarrollar habilidades de liderazgo. // EN: educate. works to empower children and youth in Honduras through education. Our high school scholarship programme supports rural youth in accessing secondary school alongside weekly activities to build leadership skills.

total goal
monthly donors


ES: En la zona rural de Trinidad, Honduras, menos del 50% de las y los estudiantes continuan su educacion despues del sexto grado porque no pueden cubrir los altos costos de transporte desde las aldeas hasta el pueblo donde se encuentran los colegios. // EN: In rural Trinidad, Honduras, less than 50% of students continue their education after 6th grade because they cannot afford the high transport costs from rural villages into the town centre to reach the local high schools.


ES: A traves de becas integrales, hacemos posible que jovenes de alto potencial y de comunidades rurales accedan a la educacion secundaria, junto con la participacion semanal en actividades que desarrollan sus habilidades de liderazgo. // EN: Through holistic scholarships, we make it possible for high-potential young people from rural communities to access secondary education, alongside weekly involvement in activities that build leadership skills.

Long-Term Impact

ES: A traves de nuestro programa de becas, estamos construyendo una generacion de lideres rurales comprometidos y resilientes que puedan impulsar cambios duraderos en sus comunidades. // EN: Through our scholarship programme, we are building a generation of committed, resilient rural leaders who are engaged in driving long-lasting change in their communities.


Organization Information


Location: Amsterdam - Netherlands
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @educate_ngo
Project Leader:
Natalia Anariba
Amsterdam , Netherlands
$3,510 raised of $15,000 goal
44 donations
$11,490 to go
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