Our Conservation focus area aims to improve human-wildlife coexistence, protect wildlife and livestock, and conserve wildlife and natural resources in our communities and national parks.
We have projects running in Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Botswana that focus on addressing challenges that include unemployment, food scarcity, poor education and health care infrastructure, low school attendance and dropouts due to financial constraints, wildlife poaching, and preserving natural resources.
Our Conservation projects are actively addressing poaching and the conservation of nature and wildlife through implementing anti-poaching and co-existing with wildlife solutions, awareness measures, and programs in our national parks and communities. Our projects focus on regular park patrols, training and education on wildlife conservation for the community, implementing measures to protect the community livestock from wildlife, and supplying meat to communities to discourage animal poaching.
We anticipate a significant reduction in wildlife poaching in our communities. The training and education provided to the community on conserving wildlife, natural resources, and co-existing with wildlife will increase awareness amongst the community and encourage collective responsibility to protect wildlife. Our Conservation efforts like the Ranger program in Mana, can drive attitude and behavioral changes in our communities and instill respect for wildlife and the environment.
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