A Carnival free from Sexual Violence

by Red Dot Foundation Global
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A Carnival free from Sexual Violence
A Carnival free from Sexual Violence
A Carnival free from Sexual Violence


Ahead of the Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago, we want to advocate for a carnival free from sexual violence.

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Sexual violence against women and girls is at its peak during Carnival. There were a few high profile cases where in the last couple of years a tourist was murdered too. We would like to create an advocacy campaign to educate men and boys on consent and boundaries and encourage women and girls to speak up and find resources to deal with this abuse.


The project will educate people, especially men and boys, on consent and boundaries. It will also encourage women and girls to speak up, protest, respond to such abuse and find resources for help. It will also create a space to discuss this problem and potential solutions including encouraging bystander intervention.

Long-Term Impact

- A Carnival free of sexual harassment that is enjoyable for all - Confidence of women and girls to participate in the festivities - Men will know and understand boundaries and consent


Organization Information

Red Dot Foundation Global

Location: Columbia, MD - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @TheSafecityApp
Project Leader:
ElsaMarie DSilva
Columbia , MD United States

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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