This initiative strives to offer biodegradable and plant-based alternatives to single-use plastics and styrofoam containers in our community of Bahia de Los Angeles, addressing a critical need in markets, food stands, and restaurants.
Bahia de los Angeles holds immense significance as it's within four Protected Natural Areas and recognized for its rich biological and landscape diversity. Here, the household waste of nearly 2000 residents is burned, polluting the atmosphere, or ends up blowing into the sea. Through years of beach cleanups, our data shows that the majority of plastic waste originates from convenience food packaging and restaurant takeout containers, underscoring the immediate impact this isolated community has.
Building on a successful pilot, we collaborate with local businesses to replace single-use plastics and Styrofoam with sustainable alternatives. In 2023, 15 businesses halved plastic and Styrofoam usage, diverting thousands from pollution. We aim for broader adoption in 2024. These solutions, inexpensive and global, are yet unavailable in Bahia de Los Angeles and nearby areas. With $6,000, we can transition all eligible businesses by 2024, curbing waste impact on this fragile ecosystem.
Our goal is to generate a demand for plastic alternatives in our community and beyond, compelling wholesale suppliers to stock them. Ultimately, our vision is to render our program obsolete through widespread adoption of sustainable solutions.