DAKTARI's weekly Eco Clubs at the secondary schools have become so popular that the children are running out of places to sit! The classrooms at Maahlamele and Ragkolokwana both need more chairs to accommodate the bigger Eco Clubs. At Rakgolokwana, the Eco Club regularly has 50 or more students attending. At Maahlamele, the number has grown to 25 attendees!
The students attending the local secondary schools are often in classrooms that are lacking standard school supplies like desks, school books, and chairs. DAKTARI brings our own furniture for the Eco Clubs but we currently don't have enough for the 75+ students that attend Eco Clubs each week.
This project will fund the purchase of new chairs for the Eco Club classrooms at Rakgolokwana and Maahlamele schools so that all of the students will be able to attend each lesson.
The Eco Clubs started as an extension of the teaching program at DAKTARI. Each week, our volunteers go to the secondary schools in Turkey and the Oaks to offer additional lessons on the environment and wildlife. The lessons are activity-based and fun for the students. We aim to increase their knowledge and passion for the environment so that they take steps to protect it. Protecting the environment in these rural areas can preserve the region for generations to come.