At least two dresses required to wear and wash. But for under privileged tribal children, dressing like others is beyond their dream. Wearing shabby, dirty and toned dress create many health problems. CHHASE will provide one pair of dress will make them live hygienically, disease free and create confidence in them. Initially we will provide dresses to 100 tribal children.
Tribal children don't have second dress to change and wash. Wearing shabby, dirty and toned dress creates many health problems. Tribal children need two pairs of dresses to live healthy and confident.
CHHASE will provide two pairs of dresses, which will make them live hygienically, disease free and create confidence in them. Initially we will provide dresses to 100 tribal children. Educating the under privileged tribal children about hygiene will make a change for whole family and future generations.
CHHASE serves students from 1st grade through 12th grade and supports them to reach their full academic potential, prepare for college, and in turn give their time and talents back to their communities. We partner with parents, teachers, and the community to address the comprehensive education needs of our children and advocate for healthy families.