Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!

A microproject by Friends of Inti Wara Yassi
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!
Time to renovate the Ambue Ari comedor!


Past volunteers know that Ambue Ari's kitchen and dining space needs major work. CIWY's hard-working staff and volunteers need an adequate space to eat and recharge after long hours of caring for rescued wildlife. ~~ Los voluntarios anteriores saben que el comedor de Ambue Ari necesitan un trabajo importante. El personal y los voluntarios de CIWY que trabajan arduamente necesitan un espacio adecuado para comer y recargar energias despues de largas horas de cuidar a la vida silvestre rescatada.

total raised
monthly donors


Ambue Ari's comedor is the only space to escape the mosquitoes, but in it's current state, not only can mosquitoes get in, but even the jungle rats come at night, creating a hygiene risk. ~~~ El comedor de Ambue Ari es el unico espacio para escapar de los mosquitos, pero en su estado actual, no solo pueden entrar los mosquitos, sino que incluso las ratas de la selva entran por la noche, creando un riesgo de higiene.


We aim to continually improve CIWY's volunteer experience, because none of our important work would be possible without our amazing volunteers. The new comedor will be bigger and more comfortable. No more broken floor tiles or roof leaks! ~~~ Esperamos mejorar continuamente la experiencia de voluntariado de CIWY, porque nada de nuestro importante trabajo seria posible sin nuestros increibles voluntarios. El nuevo comedor sera mas grande y comodo. No mas baldosas rotas ni goteras en el techo!

Long-Term Impact

CIWY helps preserve the biodiversity of Amazonian fauna by rescuing a wide array of animals, including endangered species. CIWY also educates the public to respect wildlife and the environment. ~~~ Impacto a Largo Plazo: CIWY ayuda a preservar la biodiversidad de la fauna amazonica al rescatar una gran variedad de animales, incluidas las especies en peligro de extincion. CIWY tambien educa al publico a respetar la vida silvestre y el medio ambiente.


Organization Information

Friends of Inti Wara Yassi

Location: Brighton - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Jenny Boyd
Brighton , United Kingdom

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