In three years, project RISE Liberia will lift about 200 farmers and their household out of poverty while influencing sustainable community development by building farmers' capacity in the Gbor Clan of District 2 Grand Bassa County. The strategy will change the use of intensive labor, low yield, poor organization and market value chain. It will make emphasis on developing skills to increase farmers' income and influence community development through corporative saving.
This workshop will help us to solve the problem of entrenched long-run poverty be helping farmers learn saving, sustainable cultivation method, enlargement of farms, high crops yield and the management skills to develop cooperative agribusinesses. Meanwhile, we will organize local women into credit associations, a revolving micro-credit fund that helps them to generate income for their families.
We have designed a fiscally self-sustaining model to address the needs of smallholder farmers, household and the community at large. Our plan is to train farmers in sustainable agriculture obtained from ECHO Community (TOT). The training will first empower 50 smallholder farmers both in sustainable agriculture application. From there, we will organize trainees into cooperative agribusinesses. Meanwhile, local families will form credit associations to generate seed capital for the agribusinesses
The 1st phase focuses on training rural farmers to increase their production and saving using low cost production technique; then, they will further learn management skill to develop cooperative agro-business. When these farmers begin to make profit, in the last phase of the third year, farmers will begin to save (VLSA method). As their profit increases, portion will be save into the farmers' corporative as social corporative fund to influence community development activities.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).