For just $250, YOU can make sure Michael continues to receive a free, high-quality education for the academic year.
Uganda has the highest number of HIV/AIDS orphans in the world, and many of them live in impoverished circumstances. Many schools in Uganda require students to pay a school fee; families with little money usually opt to keep the children at home, where they can help bring home what little money they can. Without an education, the children will continued to be trapped in the cycle of poverty; however, YOU can make sure Michael continues to receive an education, which will let him better his life!
When you support Michael, you are ensuring that he will continue to have access to free high-quality education, as well as nutritious school meals and clean water. Many studies show a connection between HIV/AIDS prevention and education, so it is imperative that our students receive as much schooling as possible. Michael, like our other students, understands that education is his key to bettering his life, his family, and his community! He works hard every day to reach his goals.
Education will allow our students to break out of the cycle of poverty, and create opportunities for themselves. Children who receive an education are less vulnerable to diseases, especially HIV/AIDS. They will also be less likely to succumb to the dangers of human trafficking, and will be able to combat the lure of low-wage jobs in the city since they have other options to pursue. They can take advantage of the opportunities they have been given, and lead healthier, happier lives.