Amulya lost her father at a young age. Her mother has been working on daily wages in a local firm. It is beyond her means to provide for education for her three daughters. Amulya has been with Sphoorti since 2011. Amulya completed her first two years with support from friends like you.
This project solves the problem of poverty and ignorance for Amulya. Without proper education, she would have been married off by her relatives, and remain unemployed or an unskilled laborer all her life. Education will ensure that the girl does not become mother at a very early age and face serious health and social/economic issues for life.
By providing Bachelors Education in Math, Statistics and Computer Science, along with counseling, providing education material support, computer, library access, shoes, test papers, required material to study well, the project makes it possible for Amulya to complete higher studies and look forward to a good job or further studies. Her success story can inspire more girls think big. The requirement is Rs 51,000 (College Fees) + Rs 60,000 (Hostel Fees)
The project will provide education to 200 first generation school going girls and help them attain high school education at the least. Beneficiaries who complete school to secondary level are supported with higher education, training, apprenticeships and/or employment. About 150 families (750 people) will be direct and indirect beneficiaries of this initiative.