The project would allow us to spay dogs and cats in remote areas of our county. Abandonment of animals is still a problem in Romania, and the lack of vet practices in the establishments that are hard to reach, makes people abandon their animals everywhere, increasing the number of street dogs and cats, both in those areas and in the surrounding areas.
Stray dogs and cats can be carriers of disease and also sources of injuries for humans through car accidents or attacks, Spaying dogs and cats decreases the risk of abandonment and the number of stray cats and dogs while also decreasing the risks of accidents concerning them.
People in remote areas, do not have access to vet practices that could spay their dogs and cats and due to their education, or lack thereof, their solution is to abandon the puppies and kittens, either straight after birth or once they are old enough to eat. Also if dogs and cats get sick, they are also thrown away. Animals are usually not abandoned close to home, but also in other areas, closer to cities. By going with the ambulance in remote area, we decrease the abandonment rate.
In time, we'll be able to find good homes easier for the dogs we already have and there won't be any more puppies and kittens dying of disease and car accidents. The mentality of the people in our village will slowly change and they'll choose to spay instead of abandoning or killing them themselves. We could stop the unnecessary suffering of many lives this way.