It is known to your noble Agency to many of the grandparents facing lot of problems today in the society. During the younger stage all parents rendered services to their children future development. All the parents are spending all there are needs, assets for the prosperity and development of their children. All the parents are always thinking for the best future of their children. But, at the Oldage they are unable to work and earn amount and expecting food and basic needs from their children
The selected grandparents are very poor and they were dwelling Railway Station, Bus station and other plenty areas, they are facing lot of diseases. It was identified by the CORUS NGO Chief Functionary and his team members have been mobilized and joining in our Oldage Home. Since last 4 years the Oldage Home has been running by CORUS NGO by the help and cooperate of Donors and humanitarians etc. Regularly, we are providing Food, Shelter and Care and other facilities for 30 grandparents.
Due to various problems and mental agony grandparents have been migrated from their native villages and houses to the Kurnool town. They became street beggars and victimizing for various type of problems. By the grace of god the Chief Functionary of CORUS NGO and his team members admitted 30 grandparents in joined in our Oldage Home to provided Food, Shelter, Care and other basic facilities to them by the help of Donor and some of the local humanitarians. Thus, the grandparents have leading go
The long term objective of the project is to develop awareness among the people and their relatives. So, that we will got realization and come forward to their donations in shape of kind or cash for the protection and welfare of the Oldage Destitute Women.. By seeing the impact of the project the people will come forward to start this type of activities. Consequently, many of the elder women will be benefited a lot in the future. All 30 Oldage poor women will be benefited to this project.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).