This microproject focuses on the transportation of young women in Afghanistan to Ayni supported Teacher Training Centers. Your donation will enable these young women to continue their education thus enabling more children in Afghanistan to continue their education.
Afghanistan faces a shortage of female teachers on an epic scale. For a girl in a rural village where conservative attitudes are high, the absence of a well-educated female teacher can crush her chances of going to school and continue on to higher education. Our organization operates a Teacher Training Center aimed at educating young women to become teachers in rural areas.
This project enables 30 girls to travel to the Teacher Training Center for one month, six days a week. Upon graduation, the girls return to their rural village and teach in the village's school, educating girls and meeting the cultural standards that require girls to be taught by females. This will dramatically improve girls' opportunities economically, socially and provides an avenue to continue on to higher education. Without female teachers, the doors close to education for girls.
Education is a long-term means to alleviate poverty in developing countries. Quality education provides tangible skills that translate directly to meeting development goals. In addition, education can increase stability and promote peace-building in conflict zones. Ayni promotes unity among students, parents, teachers, and community leaders when it invests in a community. Such unity leads a community to invest in education and, in a broader sense, peace.