It will change the life of a beautiful young lady who deals with seizures on on a regular basis. Seizure response dogs are a special type of service dog, specifically trained to help someone who has epilepsy or a seizure disorder. The Chelsea Hutchison Foundation is currently fundraising to be able to provide a $2500 grant to Brooke. Due to the differing needs between each case, every potential seizure dog receives specialized training.
Brooke is a 20-year-old young lady from Nebraska, diagnosed with epilepsy. She wants some independence. She looks forward to being able to experience life and not be held back any longer. She is looking forward to feeling confident about being in public by herself and to stand, without fear of of falling. Brooke and her family believe it will be a gift to the entire family, knowing she will have a new tool to keep her safer.
Imagine being a young woman and never being able to do the things that most your age do. Currently a seizure-response dog (SRD) is in training for her. This SRD will help let the family know when Brooke is in trouble and will alleviate some of the anxiety involved. Bracing for a fall and ringing a bell when Brooke is in trouble are just a few of the specialty techniques being trained. Currently Brooke spends her life indoors doing hobbies while seated so she doesn't fall.
Our goal is to get life-saving measures in line for all who could benefit from them. By raising SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy) awareness, our hope is to get epilepsy research on the radar. Most believe that if you have seizures you can take a pill and be cured. Truth is that only 1/3 of those with seizures are controlled by medication. For many, multiple seizures are an every-day part of their life. 1 in 26 will be diagnosed with epilepsy in their lifetime.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).