Battered American women and their children flee home to the USA for safety with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Sandra just arrived back to the USA with her daughter Raven, despite the terrifying death threats from her husband that he would kill her if she left. Safe and in hiding, Sandra needs help getting into a home so she can start her live over with Raven.
By being in a stable, safe home, Sandra can get Raven into daycare and begin looking for a job. Because of the possibility of lethality, it is not safe for Sandra to try and get child support or alimony from her Raven's father.
This project will allow Sandra to move out of the shelter, become financially stable and re-integrate into society. She will be able to go off of the temporary welfare and food stamps she was forced to go on to survive. The funds will be used for first and last months rent for a 1 bedroom apartment plus deposit. A local community warehouse will provide furniture and household items.
The project serves 500 women per year empowering them to find alternatives to a life of violence so their children grow up in violence free homes with their self-esteem in tact with the hope of stopping the cycle of violence in future generations.