Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone

A microproject by commit and act e.V.
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone
Repairing Girl's Shelter after Flood, Sierra Leone


We are raising money to offset losses after the catastrophic flooding that began on August 14 that damaged our girl's shelter in Sierra Leone. During the flood, we lost our generator, food including chickens and rice, soap, bedding, clothing, cement (used in the ongoing construction of our shelter), and office supplies. In total, our losses are roughly $7000 USD which does not include the costs for labor to repair the actual shelter.

total raised
monthly donors


We've been constructing a girls shelter in Sierra Leone to serve victims of gender-based violence. Due to catastrophic flooding, our partly constructed girls shelter was severely damaged including loss of food stores (rice, chickens),destruction of our generator, severe damage to our kitchen, ruined mattresses, & loss of girls clothing, leaving them only with the clothes on their back. Girls who have already been traumatized are now compromised further because of this natural disaster.


Your donation will help provide food, clothing, bedding, repairing our generator, and will go towards repairing the shelter so it is livable again. Essentially, these girls will know that the world cares about them - sending the message to them that their lives matter.

Long-Term Impact

Our half-built shelter already houses 20 abused young girls at a time (340/year). We cannot maintain the level of care we provide without recouping losses from the flood & completing construction. We provide food, counseling, legal aid & medical assistance. Our next phase is to provide education, vocational & job training. This project's ultimate aim is to end the cycle of violence, reunite families, and equip young women with the skills to improve their lives and their communities.


Organization Information

commit and act e.V.

Location: 63739 Aschaffenburg - Germany
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @commitandact
Jennifer Nardozzi
Project Leader:
Jennifer Nardozzi
Miami , Florida United States

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