This project will provide 80 hours of computer training to 15 girls - helping them to acquire the essential computer skills needed for success in today's computer-driven society. The girls at the FAWE school come from disadvantaged homes that do not have computers. The training will broaden their horizons, exposing them to a new world of learning - complementing their education and preparing them for future success.
Girls remain woefully outnumbered in African schools. The educational facilities in school need to be augmented with modern learning resources that will help prepare girls for relevance in our competitive information-based and computer-driven society. We have a computer lab available, but need help with covering running costs. This project will help give adequate priority to the education of girls - giving them vital computer training.
The resources and training provided will enhance the quality of the education given to the girls. Learning will be enhanced through the educational software installed on the computers. It will also contribute to leveling the playing field and help prepare the girls for success in our information technology-driven world. Access to global resources, which will equip beneficiaries with essential life and job-related skills.
Project contributes to achievement of UN Millennium goals, helping close the gender gap in education. It is an effective long-term investment, helping to eradicate poverty by enhancing education, broadening options and offering new opportunities. It offers great potential in terms of exposing the girls to much-needed computer technology and related opportunities. This exposure is helping to prepare the girls for our technology-aided world and for positions of future leadership.