American woman with children in foreign countries don't have the funds to flee abuse, and when they do manage to flee, they arrive home with only what they can take on the airplane. With this project we will be able to get Sapphira and her mom Yara safely home from Israel and away from the abuse of Yara's husband and help them with some basic needs when they get home.
Yara went to Israel with her husband right after Sapphira was born. He became abusive and controlling. Yara desperately needs to come home with Sapphira before he can claim that Israel is Sapphira's place of habitual residence.
We will be able to get Yara and Sapphira home safely from Israel to escape abuse and also be able to help them with some basic needs once they get home. Yara and Sapphira will live with Yara's parents until they get back on their feet.
The project serves 500 women per year empowering them to find alternatives to a life of violence so their children grow up in violence free homes with their self-esteem in tact with the hope of stopping the cycle of violence in future generations.