Project Report
| Jan 29, 2024
230+ lessons for kids' better brain development!
Dear friends,
Here's a summary on how our microproject for Optimal Brain Learning has progressed.
Thanks to your generous and timely support, we attracted additional funds from GlobalGiving on Giving Tuesday! As a result, we got a little closer to our initial fundraising goal of $8000.
As part of our initiative to support Optimal Brain Learning for children with various neurological conditions, we hosted three series of neuroplasticity lessons in Sofia, Bulgaria with experienced practitioners of the Anat Baniel NeuroMovement method in Sept, Oct and Dec 2023. The practitioners gave a total of over 230 lessons to:
- 8 children in September
- 12 children in October
- 12 children in December
At least 5 of these children are participating continuously in more than one series of lessons and experiencing the cumulative effect of optimal learning on their better movement, communication skills, social interactions, emotional management and intellectual abilities. We are very happy to partner with the Hope for the Little Ones Foundation transitional care houses in Sofia, where the experienced neuroplasticity practitioners worked in Oct and Dec with 0-3 year-old children with various challenges resulting from difficult birth and early life circumstances. The feedback from their caregivers at the "Little Houses" has been very positive - neuroplasticity lessons have helped the babies improve their movement, capacity to engage with the world and levels of energy/awakeness.
As the microproject reached its limited duration, pre-determined by GlobalGiving, and
we see continuous need among children and their families to provide optimal brain education, we will soon post a new project dedicated to this activity. You can follow our next steps on this front at Step For Bulgaria's current main project page