10 anti sexual abuse cartoon clips

A microproject by Not Guilty Inc
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10 anti sexual abuse cartoon clips
10 anti sexual abuse cartoon clips
10 anti sexual abuse cartoon clips


Childhood sexual abuse, which almost always has lifelong terrible consequences, is widespread, but long was unmentionable in Egypt. Laila has forced it out of the shadows, using many tools-ranging from her own television broadcasts to three teacher champions in a growing number of schools who train everyone else (students, parents, teachers, nurses) in prevention/detection/response. Society need to learn what sexual abuse is, how to reject and report it, and that it is not the victim's fault.

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UN found that 1 out of every 4 females and 1 out of every 6 males are sexually abused before the age of 18. Sexual abuse during childhood has severe, negative, and long-term effects. Victims face psychological problems that will affect their future and how they interact with society. Only 10% of cases are reported due to the fact that 87% of sexual abusers are close family members. The victim is strongly discouraged from reporting for fear bringing shame to the family.


Media is a powerful educational tool. Posting cartoons, once a month will turn harassment into a key 'Top Of Mind' topic for Egyptian males and females across the age group of 15-40. Have a 100% awareness on the negative consequence of harassment. Reduce harassment done to females by 50% in the streets and public transportation. Considerably increase harassment reports reaching police by the end of the project. Disclose more and more harassment incidents seen in public.

Long-Term Impact

10 anti sexual abuse cartoon clips causing a ripple effect in the community, Raising the public profile of the anti sexual abuse awareness on the community and on the national level, mobilizing support from government, civil society, religious leaders, opinion leaders and public. Constant TV and internet messages will change the society's world view on victimizing the victim. watch this as an example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQCITLMMHHY


Organization Information

Not Guilty Inc

Location: Cairo - Egypt
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @gheirmozneb
Project Leader:
Laila Risgallah
Cairo , Cairo Egypt

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