Motivate one young female student through STEM

A microproject by Engineering World Health
Motivate one young female student through STEM


This project will fully fund one girl to participate in a session where she will be able to interact with university students studying engineering, learn about the opportunities available in STEM fields, and assemble low cost medical devices which will be sent to hospitals in the developing world. This will give one young student a tangible way to see how they can make a difference in the world through engineering.

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The percentage of female engineers across the US is only 11%. Because so many of the world's problems can be solved through the engineering fields, it is necessary to increase involvement in these fields and motivate girls to enter into these traditional male areas. A way to increase the change made in the world then is tied to encouraging girls to enter these fields at a young age and showing them the direct impact they can have through a career in engineering.


This project will provide for one young female to participate in a mentorship network which partners university students pursuing engineering majors with young girls in middle and high school to assemble low cost medical devices which will be sent to hospitals in the developing world. This process with provide the girl with a mentor studying engineering and a tangible example of how she can make an impact in the world using engineering skills.

Long-Term Impact

This project aims to reach as many girls as possible, inspiring them to enter jobs they never thought they would have the capacity to hold. It also impacts people all over the world through the distribution of medical devices to developing world hospitals. Starting with this project, the motivated young girls will hopefully one day make a real difference in the world with their engineering skills and fresh perspectives.

Organization Information

Engineering World Health

Location: Durham, NC - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @EngrWorldHealth

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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