Let's support Laritza's studies: + Solidarity

A microproject by Fundacion Accion Joven
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Let's support Laritza's studies: + Solidarity
Let's support Laritza's studies: + Solidarity
Let's support Laritza's studies: + Solidarity
Let's support Laritza's studies: + Solidarity
Let's support Laritza's studies: + Solidarity
Let's support Laritza's studies: + Solidarity
Let's support Laritza's studies: + Solidarity
Let's support Laritza's studies: + Solidarity
Let's support Laritza's studies: + Solidarity
Let's support Laritza's studies: + Solidarity
Let's support Laritza's studies: + Solidarity


In 2019 we met Laritza, in the project focused on student permanence, she is a very talented young woman who, thanks to her effort and dedication, traveled to a summer camp in Beijing, China. Thanks to her outstanding performance in Mandarin, she managed to win a scholarship from the Government of China to study a university degree at Nanjing Agricultural University. Laritza is one step away from making her dream come true, lets supportt this campaign to help help her cover the expenses.

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Laritza is an outstanding young woman who studied Mandarin and traveled with a grant to Beijing in a summer camp. She also was part of Fundacion Accion Joven activities to promote permanence in the educational system. Now it fills us with pride to know that she has been chosen at the country level, to be the beneficiary of a scholarship and pursue her university studies in Animal Science at the Nanjing Agricultural University. But she needs of our support to cover the expenses for the flight.


With your support, Laritza will have the opportunity to obtain a degree at a university in China, and develop professionally, in order to be a professional woman, who in the future can inspire other girls to seek opportunities and follow their dreams. With your donation, you will support the expenses related to the air ticket and lodging for 7 to 14 days of quarantine, which re not covered by the scholarship, and she doesn't currently own them. Lets help her and her family.

Long-Term Impact

Laritza represents today's youth, a proactive and inspiring young woman, who with her participation and involvement, always identified and participated in learning opportunities, inspiring more young people to continue with their studies and successfully achieve their goals. With her support, today we will help Laritza, who tomorrow will be a professional woman who will inspire more young people and who who will be an example of effort, perseverance and the importance of education.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Fundacion Accion Joven

Location: Curridabat, San Jose - Costa Rica
Facebook: Facebook Page
Fundacion Accion Joven
Karolina Rojas
Project Leader:
Karolina Rojas
Curridabat , San Jose Costa Rica

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