Help Sierra Escape Abuse With Annie

A microproject by Pathways to Safety International
Help Sierra Escape Abuse With Annie


Annie moved with Sierra to Peru in 2012 to join her husband who is working as a consultant. Her husband had been moody in the USA because he had been laid off of his job. He was thrilled to secure the contract and Annie was sure things would get better. In Peru her husband became even worse. The abuse has escalated from insults and emotional battering to physical abuse. To punish Annie he doesn't let her feed Sierra and has also kicked him in a fit of rage. We need to get them home asap.

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Many Americans take their pets with them when moving to a foreign country. When abuse in the family occurs, the perpetrator also targets the pets to demonstrate their power and control over their victims in addition to abusing family members directly.


The $600 we need will enable Annie to get the necessary vaccinations and certifications to get Sierra back home to the USA, as well as the fees for Sierra to fly with Annie back home. Annie still has the crate that Sierra went to Peru in. The remainder of the funds will be used for food for the first month back in the USA until Annie can begin working. Annie and Sierra will be staying with Annie's mother when she arrives, giving them a warm, safe home away from abuse.

Long-Term Impact

This project will reduce animal abuse and help families thrive when rebuilding a healthy life away from domestic violence. Annie and Sierra can begin their lives over.


Organization Information

Pathways to Safety International

Location: Portland, OR - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Paula Lucas
Portland , OR United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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