Help Sexually Assaulted Americans Studying Abroad

A microproject by Pathways to Safety International
Help Sexually Assaulted Americans Studying Abroad
Help Sexually Assaulted Americans Studying Abroad
Help Sexually Assaulted Americans Studying Abroad
Help Sexually Assaulted Americans Studying Abroad
Help Sexually Assaulted Americans Studying Abroad
Help Sexually Assaulted Americans Studying Abroad
Help Sexually Assaulted Americans Studying Abroad
Help Sexually Assaulted Americans Studying Abroad


The opportunity to study abroad can be a dream come true. But for young Americans sexually assaulted while abroad, the dream becomes a nightmare. Pathways helps hundreds of American victims abroad every year. With this microproject, we can ensure victims can access immediate resources to help them navigate the very difficult aftermath of being sexually assaulted in a foreign country.

total raised
monthly donors


American students sexually assaulted abroad usually cant speak the foreign language necessary to navigate law enforcement response, medical assistance, legal resources etc. With this microproject, Pathways can assure those victims that reach out for help can have immediate assistance in 2020.


With this microproject we will be able to serve up to 12 American sexual assault victims studying abroad with advocacy, case management, language translation, payment for emergency medical and transportation.

Long-Term Impact

Over 330,00 Americans study abroad every year. If they are sexually assaulted, these victims need a confidential, anonymous portal of entry to seek assistance, and long term support as they navigate through complicated international components to overcome the worst experience of their lives.


Organization Information

Pathways to Safety International

Location: Portland, OR - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Paula Lucas
Portland , OR United States

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