When Alicia's husband received a job offer in Morocco, they moved with their daughter Samantha. Alicia was excited about the move. Her husband had been out of work for quite a while. He became moody, depressed and verbally abusive. Alicia thought the job in Morocco would make everything better but the opposite happened. He comes home from work, screams at Alicia. pushes her and has threatened to deport her and keep Samantha in Morocco. We need to urgently get them home to the USA.
If Alicia's husband deports her she will have no access to Samantha and she will be raised by the housemaid in Morocco. Alicia has always been Samantha's primary caretaker. Alicia is afraid of her husband's anger. Samantha is already afraid of her daddy. She pretends she is a princess and a prince will come take her away to a happy place.
We will be able to get Alicia and Samantha to a happy place in the USA with Alicia's family.
The project serves 500 women per year empowering them to find alternatives to a life of violence so their children grow up in violence free homes with their self-esteem in tact with the hope of stopping the cycle of violence in future generations.