Help the Rehab Center Meet Regulatory Requirements

A microproject by Esperanza Urbana
Help the Rehab Center Meet Regulatory Requirements
Help the Rehab Center Meet Regulatory Requirements
Help the Rehab Center Meet Regulatory Requirements
Help the Rehab Center Meet Regulatory Requirements
Help the Rehab Center Meet Regulatory Requirements
Help the Rehab Center Meet Regulatory Requirements
Help the Rehab Center Meet Regulatory Requirements
Help the Rehab Center Meet Regulatory Requirements
Help the Rehab Center Meet Regulatory Requirements
Help the Rehab Center Meet Regulatory Requirements


The rehabilitation center Generaciones Victoria, whom Esperanza Urbana has been supporting and partnering with to help rehabilitate homeless men, is in need of a special contribution. A recent Ministry of Health inspection has raised some critical issues that need to be addressed in order to keep the center operational. We're turning to you, our community of friends, family, and volunteers to ask you to donate and help us raise the US$5.000 needed to make the necessary changes to the center.

total raised
monthly donors


A recent Ministry of Health inspection raised some issues that need to be addressed to keep the center operational. For example, some work is required to make the kitchen safer such as the installation of a smoke extractor. Secondly, an emergency plan certified by a health and safety professional is required. But, most importantly, a large part of the electrical network of the center needs to be updated and brought up to the Heath and Safety current standards.


By way of this microproject, raising the funds to help the center make the necessary works to comply with the codes and regulations will allow the center to continue its mission to help the homeless men of San Jose.

Long-Term Impact

The mission of the center is to help young homeless men free themselves of drug addiction, and go on to get an education, a home, a job, become pillars of their community, support their families and feel great about themselves. Utilizing our holistic approach, Esperanza Urbana helps those successful in rehab reconnect with family, gain employment and become involved in giving back to their communities.


Organization Information

Esperanza Urbana

Location: San Jose - Costa Rica
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
David Charnock
San Jose , Costa Rica

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