Education  Kenya Project #18303

Help Monica finish high school & become a doctor

A microproject by Africa SOMA Inc.
Help Monica finish high school & become a doctor


Inspired by the lack of hospitals in her region, Monica wants to become a doctor. As Monica said herself, "I cannot become [a doctor], if I have not gone to school and learned the right subjects for becoming a doctor." With your help, Africa SOMA will cover the costs of Monica's final year of high school, giving her the educational foundation to prepare her for medical school.

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Monica dreams of becoming a doctor as a way to give back to her community. "I want to help people" Her passion for community health work as a result of her education is already evident: she often reads the prescription bottles for community members who can't read and explains their condition to them. By investing in Monica's education you are not only investing in the education of a girl from an ethnic minority living in a rural area, but are ensuring greater health access for her community.


In rural Kenya, where many families have lower incomes, it is difficult to send children to high school, yet a high school education is necessary to access many jobs in Kenya. Monica's own parents struggle to make ends meet during times of drought. As a result Monica and many children like her are unable to continue their education without financial support. Never able to realize their full academic potential, these youth are limited in the types of careers they can pursue, reinforcing the cycle

Long-Term Impact

The region surrounding Elangata Wuas has been suffering from increased droughts in recent years which has had a severe impact on a community economically centered around livestock. Livelihood diversity is a key in the region and earning a high school education provides greater potential to access and create jobs. For children in Elangata Wuas the chance to attend high school means a chance to broaden not only their academic horizons but also their job prospects.


Organization Information

Africa SOMA Inc.

Location: Montreal, Quebec - Canada
Africa SOMA Inc.
Anna Bunce
Project Leader:
Anna Bunce
Fundraising Officer
Montreal , Quebec Canada

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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