Education  India Project #14601

Help girls like Shethal- we need 7.5 computers!

A microproject by People First Educational Charitable Trust
Help girls like Shethal- we need 7.5 computers!
Help girls like Shethal- we need 7.5 computers!
Help girls like Shethal- we need 7.5 computers!
Help girls like Shethal- we need 7.5 computers!
Help girls like Shethal- we need 7.5 computers!
Help girls like Shethal- we need 7.5 computers!


Until recently we were able to run a Government Certified Course in Basic Computer Applications. This would not only give young people from below the poverty line a good qualification, it would equip them with the skills they need in the market place and without which it would be difficult to find employment. But our computers cashed in their chips and have gone to recycling heaven, they were just too old. We need 10 new computers to restart the program benefiting over 100 youngsters yearly.

total raised
monthly donors


Computer training, even basic training has not yet reached many High Schools here in Bihar. Although the situation is improving there is a long way to go before students can avail themselves of the computer skills they need to have any real chance of securing meaningful employment. The demand is enormous and yet again it is the poor, especially poor girls that get left behind. As Shethal's says( pictured above) "I am 16 years old and come from a poor family, my education means everything to me"


This project provides quality education free of cost to those below the poverty line who need it the most. Often struggling at High school to successfully complete their courses (unlike the private schools with their computer labs and fees outside the reach of the poor) such students are immediately disadvantaged because of their lack of computer skills. This project puts that right.

Long-Term Impact

There is a saying, save one child and you save the worlds children. Only through education can change come.This project has the potential to help over 120 students every single year from below the poverty line famiies to turn thier lives around. This education is provided free of cost and this appeal is for the hardware only. Help bring much needed employment to downtrodden sections of the community who deserve an equal chance to live their lives in dignity.


Organization Information

People First Educational Charitable Trust

Location: Bodhgaya, Bihar - India
Project Leader:
Deepak Kumar
Project Liason Officer
Dhobi Gaya Rd Bodhgaya , Bihar India

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This project is no longer accepting donations.

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