When the Gaja Cyclone slammed into Tamil Nadu in southern India in November 2018, it virtually flattened many villages and killed much of the livestock. Recovery has been slow. Gomathi is one of the farmers whose livelihoods were destroyed The two goats this project will provide her will, when bred, provide her income to feed and educate her daughters and to pay for healthcare for the family. Within a few years, she will again have a thriving enterprise.
Farmers who spent their lives raising livestock and establishing markets for their meat have seen their sources of income and food obliterated. Gomathi's farm was destroyed by Gaja. She now must use the Rs. 200 ($2.80) she earns working daily to try to feed her two children and herself and to pay for their education and health care. In addition to new breeding stock, she needs money to for their feed, and to feed her family while waiting till her farm produces an income again.
While our parent project [https://goto.gg/37260] is undertaking the vast task of restoring the tree plantations that have been destroyed by the cyclone, we are also working to re-establish animal farms, starting with Gomathi's. A donation of two goats ($75 each) will be accompanied by a cash grant ($250) that she can use for sustenance and to pay for feed and supplies for the goats. Evidence shows that livestock plus cash is the most effective approach.
Each year, Gomathi's herd will at least double in size. As her income increases, she will be able to diversify her herd and invest in new equipment. The money she spends in the village will have a multiplier effect, helping raise the entire community toward recovery. The money she uses to educate her two daughters will allow them a better life than the one she has had.