Live and Learn in Kenya International educates, feeds, clothes, provides medical/dental care and extra curricular activities and is in the midst of building a school for 480 devastatingly needy chldren mostly living in the slums of Nakuru, Kenya. Feeding 480 children a warm and nutritious meal on a daily basis, 6 days a week is a daily challenge! For nearly all of these children their school meal is the only meal of the day. Join us in putting smiles on their faces. 30 a meal. Feed a Smile!
Live and Learn in Kenya Int'l educates, feeds, clothes, provides medical/dental care and extra curricular activities and is in the midst of building a school for 480 devastatingly needy chldren mostly living in the slums of Nakuru, Kenya. Feeding 480 children a warm and nutritious meal on a daily basis, 6 days a week is a daily challenge! For nearly all of these children their school meal is the only meal of their day. Join us in putting smiles on their faces for only 30 a meal. Feed a Smile!
The $10,000 goal will pay for meals and drinking water for our 480 children for two full years. Not having to worry about providing the funds for the children's meals, we will be able to concentrate on completing the construction of the Live and Learn in Kenya Education Center in Nakuru, Kenya and providing high-quality education with outstanding educators. Children need nutritious meals in order to concentrate on their lessons at school - and to grow strong and healthy. Feed a Smile!
In nearly 17 years of work in Nakuru we have provided hundreds of children with education, vocational training, nutritious food, foster care for (mostly AIDS) orphans, medical/dental care. Most of the children who have finished their education through LLK now have jobs or are attending universities. Having our own school we can provide high-quality education so that even the poorest of the poor have an equal chance to be all that they can be in life. This will change generations of lives.