This project will enable us to provide a hotel stay for one night plus taxi and emergency needs for five American sexual assault victims who find themselves alone, afraid and traumatized in a foreign country.
Americans traveling and living overseas never expect to be a victim of sexual assault. But when they are victimized, it is the worst moment of their lives. We provide support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to these victims who often need to spend a night in a hotel to be safe while we work with them on accessing safe medical or law enforcement help.
This project will enable us to help five American sexual assault victims overseas with emergency hotel rooms, taxi money and emergency needs while we work with them on getting access to resources in the foreign country.
According to RAINN, 208 thousand rapes occur in the USA annually. If we apply the same population proportion to the 65 million Americans that travel overseas every year, there would be 39,000 Americans raped in foreign countries annually. From the sexual assault victims that have contacted us in various foreign countries, they are extremely grateful for our help and assistance when no one else would or could provide the services we provide to them.