Embroidery work will give them a turning point in their life and income to come out from poverty.These 5 youth (women) are given embroidery training by CHHASE.Buying a embroidery cot is out of their reach.
These 5 youth got embroidery training in CHHASE. They are very poor to buy a embroidery cot which is costing high for them.
Providing Embroidery cots to these 5 youth, They can do embroidery work on sarees, blouse pieces or on long cloth(30 metre).They will use their imagination of creating their own design and include the samiki,glass and pattu work and earn.
CHHAASE aims to improve economic status of women and their families through business skills and eucation. The secret of training is to empower, restore and regenerate women and improve their status. Last two years, we provided training to 180 women
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