Tens of thousands of youths in Sierra Leone - such as Dolly - are computer-illiterate and have not received any instruction in or access to computers. By providing this computer - loaded with training software - Dolly will be able become computer proficiency - a vital skill needed for success in today's technology-driven society. She will also benefit tremendously from the training provided.
This project will solve the problem of computer illiteracy for Dolly. Through providing this computer, Dolly will be able to learn how to use a computer extensively and benefit from computer training sessions and software.
Funds will be used to purchase, install training software and ship it to Freetown. This project will provide direct access to a computer for use by Dolly.
We have proven over the years that providing access to computers and training revolutionizes the lives of youths and opens them up to new opportunities. Technology training effectively broadens their options. This is the impact that this project will achieve in Dolly's life - providing computer proficiency - a crucial key for success in today's technology-dependent society.