Better Life: psychological and counseling services

A microproject by Casa sin Fronteras Inc.
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Better Life: psychological and counseling services
Better Life: psychological and counseling services
Better Life: psychological and counseling services


Mejor Vida is Casa sin Fronteras' program that helps people improve their mental, and emotional health through the integration of psychological, and counseling services, for individuals, and families. We have seen an increase in need, and demand for these free or low-cost services. Our goal is to be able to have more professionals to serve a greater number of people. We provide a comprehensive service that results in a better quality of life for participants, and their families, and a process

total raised
monthly donors


Mejor Vida is Casa sin Fronteras' program that helps people improve their mental, and emotional health through the integration of psychological, and counseling services, for individuals, and families. We have seen an increase in need, and demand for these free or low-cost services. Our goal is to be able to have more professionals to serve a greater number of people. We provide a comprehensive service that results in a better quality of life for participants, and their families.


For more than 5 years Casa sin Fronteras has been providing psychological, and professional counseling services to the community through the Mejor Vida program. We have had an increase in requests for services this year. Our goal is to raise the funds to be able to hire an additional psychologist that will allow us to increase services by an additional 100 hours per year.

Long-Term Impact

Increasing the psychological and counseling services, along the workshops, the Dance Movement Therapy, and the Music Therapy we take participants to integrate body, and mind to achieve total well-being through a psycho-creative connection. Your contribution helps improve the mental health of people in this northern area of the island. This is how we strengthen our communities, make them more resilient one person at a time.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Casa sin Fronteras Inc.

Location: Sabana Hoyos - Puerto Rico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Jeannette Ruiz
Sabana Hoyos , Puerto Rico

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