For seven rural communities in Boaco, Nicaragua, the past few months have meant facing the impacts of the climate crisis head-on.
Nicaragua is the fourth most at-risk nation in the world due to climate change—and in the past few months, community leader Rosa has experienced this reality.
“Our community has been hit hard by roadblocks, hurricanes, and now with this pandemic. We lost our crops of corn and beans; we were getting ready to harvest but the heavy rains started early, and we lost everything.”
Working with communities for five-year cycles, our partner Amos Trust offers agricultural development and leadership training courses with a focus on supporting local women like Rosa. The organization ensures the needs and existing resources of each community drive their projects and create the strategies needed to ensure their long-term success. So far, they’ve helped more than 4,000 communities build economic stability and family leadership.
As the global climate crisis worsens, there will be many challenges ahead for the seven communities in the Boaco region. But for the next five years, Amos Trust will work alongside Rosa and other community leaders to develop the skills, knowledge, and resources required to face future climate shifts.
$34 gives women like Rosa the seeds and training they need to plant resilient family gardens and ensures they can get food on their table despite a rapidly changing climate.
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