Help transform colombian children & their families Help transform colombian children & their families Help transform colombian children & their families Help transform colombian children & their families

SOLFAMI Asociacion Solidaridad con Familias

Org #84558
Vetted since 2020
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Cooperate in integral human development, starting with families in difficulties with vulnerable children and youth, through communion, training and research, inspired by the fraternity promoted by Chiara Lubich.

Projects (1)

Project Leaders
Rocío  Rada
Rocío Rada
Daniela Barreto
Daniela Barreto
Rocio Rada Berroteran
Organization Information
Carrera 17. 134 - 64, casa 1. Villa Ines Barrio Contador
Bogota, Capital district 11121
Organization Information
Carrera 17. 134 - 64, casa 1. Villa Ines Barrio Contador
Bogota, Capital district 11121

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

United Hands, Small Steps: Big Changes

By Maria Alejandra Romero | Asistente del Proyecto

Informe trimestral de GlobalGiving (agosto-octubre de 2024) Durante los últimos tres meses, el Centro Social Unidad ha sido testigo de historias llenas de esfuerzo, colaboración y... Read the full report ›

A Fun-Filled Learning Quarter

By Maria Alejandra Romero | Asistente del Proyecto

Informe trimestral de GlobalGiving (mayo-julio de 2024) Durante estos meses, el Centro Social Unidad realizó diversas actividades enriquecedoras para los niños y jóvenes de la... Read the full report ›

2024 a year to keep transforming lives!

By Daniela Barreto | Project assistant

In 2024 we want to keep transforming lives! We extend a cordial invitation to join us in the mission of positively transforming the lives of our Unidad Social Center's children and tenegeers. We... Read the full report ›
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