Protect Vital Forests, Air, Health for Hondurans Support Reforestation Across the Indigenous West Support Reforestation Across the Indigenous West Sacred Trees

Trees Water & People

Org #788
Vetted since 2010
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Trees, Water & People is committed to improving people's lives by helping communities to protect, conserve and manage the natural resources upon which their long-term well-being depends. We believe that natural resources are best protected when local people play an active role in their care and management.

Project Leaders
Finance TWP
Finance TWP
Jose Chalit
Jose Chalit
James Calabaza
James Calabaza
Ray Tollison
Ray Tollison
Helen Goody
Helen Goody
Daniela Bueso
Daniela Bueso
Diane Vella, Sebastian Africano, Henry Mouton
Organization Information
633 Remington
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
United States
(970) 484-3678
Organization Information
633 Remington
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
United States
(970) 484-3678

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Growing Together

By James Calabaza | TWP Indigenous Lands Program Director

Nearly 2,500 Ponderosa pine and Douglas fir seedlings have a new home in the greenhouse at Santa Fe Indian School (SFIS), owned and operated by the 19 Pueblos of New Mexico. The SFIS Community Based... Read the full report ›

One of the Rare Ones

By Daniela Bueso | TWP Mesoamerica Program Director

People who learn about Trees, Water & People’s (TWP) clean cookstove program that we started with our community partner, ADHESA, more than two decades ago may not understand why we call our... Read the full report ›

Having Better Conversations with the Forest

By James Calabaza | TWP Indigenous Lands Program Director

 This summer, Trees, Water & People signed a five-year agreement with Santa Fe National Forest to collaborate with both Tribal and non-Tribal agencies on watershed-scale restoration and... Read the full report ›
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