We believe everyone deserves a dignified, healthy, secure life. And that, together, we can make this a reality for the world's most vulnerable older people. By working with them, not just for them. By turning poverty into security. Making pensions a basic right. Providing access to healthcare. Assisting in emergencies. Preventing abuse and violence. And ending prejudice against older people, called ageism. We also believe that, if the needs of older people aren't addressed today, it will hurt all our futures. Because the world will soon experience the greatest demographic shift in history, with more people over sixty than under ten. And one day, if we're lucky, we'... read more We believe everyone deserves a dignified, healthy, secure life. And that, together, we can make this a reality for the world's most vulnerable older people. By working with them, not just for them. By turning poverty into security. Making pensions a basic right. Providing access to healthcare. Assisting in emergencies. Preventing abuse and violence. And ending prejudice against older people, called ageism. We also believe that, if the needs of older people aren't addressed today, it will hurt all our futures. Because the world will soon experience the greatest demographic shift in history, with more people over sixty than under ten. And one day, if we're lucky, we'll all be old.
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:
By Alex Garvey | Communications Manager
Over the past two-and-a-half years, supporters like you have provided older Ukrainians with food, psychosocial support, home-based care, warm blankets, and... Read the full report ›By Alex Garvey | Communications Manager
With 24 percent of the population over 60 years old, the war in Ukraine is the oldest humanitarian crisis in the world. And, despite humanitarian efforts, older Ukrainians face... Read the full report ›By Alex Garvey | Communications Manager
Two years ago on February 24, 2022, the dawn broke to the sound of war in Ukraine, altering lives across the nation and beyond. Among those most profoundly affected were its older residents. For... Read the full report ›