The Life Journeys Writers Club, also known as the Life Journeys Writers Guild (DBA), embraces, nurtures and recognizes its members as passionate readers and writers, and empowerment seekers through the Literary Arts-the written word rendered in all mediums. The Life Journeys Writers Club dba Life Journeys Writers Guild seeks to use literary arts as an empowerment tool to help disenfranchised and underserved families, men, women, and youth engage in a creative process that incorporates academic, self-esteem, personal/social tolerance, and communication skills building. LJWC/LJWG's goal is to produce empowered families and individuals prepared to live productive and happy lives. ... read more The Life Journeys Writers Club, also known as the Life Journeys Writers Guild (DBA), embraces, nurtures and recognizes its members as passionate readers and writers, and empowerment seekers through the Literary Arts-the written word rendered in all mediums. The Life Journeys Writers Club dba Life Journeys Writers Guild seeks to use literary arts as an empowerment tool to help disenfranchised and underserved families, men, women, and youth engage in a creative process that incorporates academic, self-esteem, personal/social tolerance, and communication skills building. LJWC/LJWG's goal is to produce empowered families and individuals prepared to live productive and happy lives. The LJWC/LJWG is an ever-growing diverse group of writers, eclectic in genre, professional backgrounds and experience. It welcomes professionals and amateurs, alike. It encourages, informs and promotes writers with the purpose of propelling their literary passions to the next desired levels of success. It also seeks to serve as an all-inclusive economic bridge to research, resource, literary opportunity as well as a vehicle to self-improvement throughout the community. Its members shall always abide by a civil code of honor, behavior and encouragement. Critiques and written material, while always creative, many times edgy, and honest, must neither be cruel nor overtly offensive. The LJWC/LJWG reserves the right to reconsider and/or revoke membership if that code is violated or if a conflict of interest obstructs the progress, purpose and/or good of the nonprofit.
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:
By Yvonne J. Medley | Executive Director/Project Leader
Dear Generous Givers and Lovers of the Literary Arts, During this quarter, LJWC highlighted its Life Journeys Writing and Mentoring (LJW&M) Project before a Historically... Read the full report ›By Yvonne J. Medley | Executive Director/Project Leader
Dear Generous Giver and Lover of the Literary Arts, Focusing on our Life Journeys Publishing Project, we attended the National Book Festival and spread the word about our... Read the full report ›By Yvonne J. Medley | Founder/Executive Director
Dear Givers and Lovers of the Literary Arts, The Life Journeys Writers Club, Inc., regarding its Life Journeys Writing and Mentoring Project (LJW&M), has been... Read the full report ›