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Arca de Noe de Apoio Social

Org #70483
Vetted since 2020 Top Ranked Effective Nonprofit
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Arca de Noe is a Franco-Brazilian NGO founded in 2001, located in the heart of the Vila Prudente favela in Sao Paulo, whose purpose is to offer the population of the favela a pathway to creating a better future through education and professional insertion.

Projects (1)

Project Leaders
Thais Alves Máximo
Thais Alves Máximo
Emmanuelle Grisez
Emmanuelle Grisez
Pierre-Louis Brigant
Pierre-Louis Brigant
Serge Pizot
Serge Pizot
Thais Alves Maximo, Serge Pizot, Frederic Rio
Organization Information
Rua Dianopolis 4100, Complemento Viela-Rua da Igreja, 1557
Pq da Mooca
Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo CEP 03126-007
+55 (11) 2061-7252
Organization Information
Rua Dianopolis 4100, Complemento Viela-Rua da Igreja, 1557
Pq da Mooca
Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo CEP 03126-007
+55 (11) 2061-7252

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

"Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together"!

By Emmanuelle and Mayara | Project leaders

In 2021, the International Olympic Committee approved a change in the Olympic motto that recognises the unifying power of sport and the importance of solidarity. At Arca, we might as well use... Read the full report ›

A dream come true

By Pierre-Louis and Frederic | Project leaders

The Desembolê Arca Rugby project which took place in July 2023 required 18 months of preparation from the first reflection, to the realization of the trip. This incredible project which offered... Read the full report ›

So proud of ARCA

By Emmanuelle Grisez and Mayara Evangelista | Project leaders

When I look at Arca's most recent photos and videos, I feel a great sense of pride that I want to share with you. Since your contributions are crucial to our work and bring the joy you see on the... Read the full report ›
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