To motive 5% of the China population to pick up together.
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:
By Caicai Wang | Chief Executive Officer
The Pick Up China team achieved the following progress in public education, communication, and advocacy in July: The Pickup China team has fully launched the work for the 2024 World Cleanup Day since... Read the full report ›By Caicai Wang | Chief Executive Officer
The Pickup China team achieved the following progress in public education, communication, and advocacy in June: By the end of June, partners of the Bag-it-Away program had initiated 149 pick-up... Read the full report ›By Caicai Wang | Chief Executive Officer
In May, the PickupChina team made the following progress in public education, public communication and issue promotion: By the end of May, the Bag-It-Away program partners initiated a total of 53... Read the full report ›