L'association a pour mission de : Ameliorer les conditions de vie des enfants et des jeunes en difficultes en leur permettant de vivre paisiblement afin de participer au developpement de leur terroir et d'etre a l'abri des maltraitances. Participer de maniere forte a la prevention et au retrait des jeunes et des enfants de la rue afin de favoriser leur reinsertion sociale a travers la formation professionnelle et le financement des activites generatrices de revenus. Repondre de maniere transversale aux divers besoins psychologiques et sociaux des jeunes et enfants defavorises.
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:
By Fara Ndiaye | Executive director
No sooner had we come out of the havoc that the delta variant has wreaked across the country and around the world, now comes the Omicron variant that keeps people awake. At our level, within the... Read the full report ›By Fara ndiaye | Executive Director
The past school year has been shaken by covid-19 in almost all regions of Senegal, particularly in Saint-Louis of Senegal. But this year-end period, the number of covid-19 cases has dropped... Read the full report ›By Fara Ndiaye | Executive Director
This project so sensitive which the members of the Association Jeunesse Espoir are witnessing and helpless to the point of sharing it through this project to invite donors through globalgiving to... Read the full report ›