Colabora con nosotros por la innovacion social en Costa Rica. Empoderamos a los jovenes. Promovemos la integracion de educacion y tecnologia. Fomentamos el emprendimiento. Solo la idea de hacer una diferencia no es suficiente. Es hora de poner las Ideas en Accion. Ideas en Accion es una organizacion sin fines de lucro que identifica, ejecuta y difunde programas de innovacion colaborativa con alto potencial de replicabilidad y relevancia a nivel global para el desarrollo sostenible. En el 2013 a partir del crecimiento de los eventos TEDxPuraVidaJoven, en donde se reune a mas de 20 000 personas en Costa Rica, con ideas excepcionales para compartir y cambiar nuestro mundo; el equipo organizad... read more Colabora con nosotros por la innovacion social en Costa Rica. Empoderamos a los jovenes. Promovemos la integracion de educacion y tecnologia. Fomentamos el emprendimiento. Solo la idea de hacer una diferencia no es suficiente. Es hora de poner las Ideas en Accion. Ideas en Accion es una organizacion sin fines de lucro que identifica, ejecuta y difunde programas de innovacion colaborativa con alto potencial de replicabilidad y relevancia a nivel global para el desarrollo sostenible. En el 2013 a partir del crecimiento de los eventos TEDxPuraVidaJoven, en donde se reune a mas de 20 000 personas en Costa Rica, con ideas excepcionales para compartir y cambiar nuestro mundo; el equipo organizador identifico una oportunidad para fomentar formalmente esas ideas y transformarlas en iniciativas reales. Nuestro maximo objetivo es contribuir al desarrollo sostenible en Costa Rica y la region, y lo logramos trabajando en conjunto con nuestra comunidad para identificar buenas ideas y convertirlas en acciones, de ahi nuestro lema: "Innovacion colaborativa". ------------ Collaborate with us for social innovation in Costa Rica. Empower youth. Promote the integration of education and technology. Encourage entrepreneurship. Put your Ideas into Action. We are a collaborative community that identifies, executes and spreads social innovation projects with high potential of replicability, scalability and international relevance for sustainable development. Our vision is to contribute to the sustainable development of the country, serve from a platform that looks to implement and keep track of ideas with high impact potential in the field of innovation and social entrepreneurship in Costa Rica. In 2013 from the growth of the TEDxPuraVidaJoven events, where over 20,000 people come together in Costa Rica with exceptional ideas to share and change our world, the organizing team identified an opportunity to formally encourage these ideas and transform them into real initiatives. Our greatest objective is to contribute to the sustainable development in Costa Rica and the region, and that we achieve it by working together with our community to identify good ideas and convert them into actions, hence our motto: "Collaborative innovation".
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:
By Noelia Murillo | Executive Director
Through collaborative innovation, Ideas en Acción has focused on creating programs aimed at closing the gender gap in STEAM fields. Here’s what we’ve achieved in 2024: MenTe en... Read the full report ›By Mary Paz Fuentes Castro | Program Assistant
When the idea of creating Niñas Hacia el Espacio was born—a program designed for girls aged 7 to 9 with the goal of sparking their interest in STEAM through dynamic and engaging... Read the full report ›By Mary Paz Fuentes | Program Assistant
Through collaborative innovation, Ideas en Acción has focused on creating programs aimed at closing the gender gap in STEAM fields. Here’s what we’ve achieved throughout 2024: MenTe... Read the full report ›