SEND HUNDRED GOA SLUM GIRLS TO SCHOOL FOR A YEAR Transform Lives of Goa's Underprivileged Women Protect women from sex trafficking in Mumbai Protect women from sex trafficking in Mumbai

El Shaddai Charitable Trust

Org #10237
Vetted since 2013 Top Ranked Effective Nonprofit Site Visit Verified
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Mission: To create homes, shelters, community centres and schools to transform children's lives. El Shaddai as an organization exists to open Homes and Shelters for abandoned Street Children and for children coming from economically poor or broken families providing them with the basic necessities of life, so developing their personalities leading to a brighter future. To establish support systems for the weaker sections viz. women & children of our society. To conduct awareness & educational programmes including medical camps among the slum dwellers.

Project Leaders
Julia Matthew
Julia Matthew
El Shaddai
El Shaddai
Organization Information
H. No. 251, Socol Vaddo,
Assagao, Bardez
Mapusa, Goa 403507
Organization Information
H. No. 251, Socol Vaddo,
Assagao, Bardez
Mapusa, Goa 403507

Project Reports

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