GlobalGiving makes it easy to help local communities in need.
How can I help after a disaster?
Give a cash donation—it's fast and flexible!
Where should I donate?
Give to trusted local nonprofits for lasting impact.
How can I reduce impacts of future disasters?
Invest in local capacity to strengthen future preparedness.
Communities around the world are confronting disasters and crises right now. Learn more about what is happening and how you can help.
Amazing things happen when communities are in the driver’s seat of disaster recovery. Read success stories from local leaders around the world.
Explore practical tips and tools that can guide your giving after a disaster and build lasting impact for crisis-affected communities.
Discover important viewpoints from disaster response leaders.
Inspire your business' customers or your community members to raise money for a disaster-impacted community. Get started with nine simple fundraising tips from the GlobalGiving team.
Learn more about the Hope In Crisis Fund.
To get started, create your own fundraiser for the Hope In Crisis Fund on GlobalGiving.
Then, create custom fundraising posters and table tents for your business or community.
Simply fill out the name of your organization or business and a description below to create custom poster and table tent PDFs.