
Cause Marketing

Use your brand to do good

GlobalGiving's expertise and technical platform can help you leverage your brand for social good and inspire your community to take action.

Considering launching a cause marketing campaign to engage your customers? You're in good company. GlobalGiving has worked with brands like Animal Planet, the Girl Effect, and Pepsi to develop innovative cause marketing strategies. We power campaigns by identifying charitable projects and developing branded digital solutions. GlobalGiving has the expertise to manage end-to-end giving processes—conducting due diligence, facilitating giving and matching challenges, managing donations and grants, disbursing funds, and providing great content and data so you can tell your story.

"GlobalGiving played one of the most critical roles in making the Pepsi Refresh Project a success. The team at GlobalGiving is rock solid—they always deliver and always go above and beyond."
Jaime Mahoney
Former Brand Director, Pepsi
Here are some examples of how GlobalGiving has supported corporate cause marketing projects:

Pepsi Refresh

A crowdsourced competition that awarded grants to individuals with innovative ideas for improving their local communities.

Nike Foundation's Girl Effect

Initiative featuring custom donation pages for Girl Effect grantees and a fundraising challenge for organizations serving adolescent girls.

Neutrogena's Wave for Change

Promotion which supported GlobalGiving projects of thematic interest to Neutrogena consumers based on a portion of product sales.

Explore Our Other Services

Vetting + Due Diligence

Gift Cards


Disaster Response

We're here to help!

Ready to make a difference with your philanthropic giving?

Let us know how we can help you make an impact with your philanthropic or CSR program.

Call us at 202.232.5784 (US), +44 (0) 207.242.8079 (UK), or send us an email.

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