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Live Demo

GlobalGiving Atlas lets you access the largest list of nonprofits and charities from 74 countries/regions (with more being added every week) via JSON or CSV.

JSON Example
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "AF",
  "website": "",
  "website_facebook": "",
  "website_twitter": "",
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "1970-05-10",
  "name": "دسولی او ترقی لپاره د همکاری موسسه",
  "af_org_type": "داخلی",
  "af_abbreviation": "CPDO",
  "ids": [  {
    "id": "AF-MOE-2129",
    "active": true
  "registration_id": "2129",
  "id": "AF-MOE-2129",
  "mailing_address": {"country": "Afghanistan"},
  "website_works": false
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "AL",
  "website": "",
  "website_facebook": "",
  "website_staff": "",
  "website_instagram": "",
  "registration_active": true,
  "website_donate": "",
  "email": ";",
  "name": "Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA Albania)",
  "website_financials": "",
  "ids": [  {
    "id": "AL-TIN-J72321007G",
    "active": true
  "registration_id": "J72321007G",
  "website_contact": "",
  "id": "AL-TIN-J72321007G",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "county": "Tiranë",
    "country": "Albania",
    "state": "Qarku i Tiranës",
    "city": "Tiranë",
    "address_1": "Rruga Muhamet Gjollesha 4"
  "phone": "672026039",
  "website_works": true
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "AR",
  "ids": [  {
    "id": "AR-CENOC-10014B",
    "active": false
  "registration_active": false,
  "registration_id": "10014B",
  "id": "AR-CENOC-10014B",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "country": "Argentina",
    "city": "Ciudad de Buenos Aires"
  "name": "Asociación De Ayuda A Los Niños Escolares Teniente General Rosendo Maria Fraga"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "BD",
  "website": "",
  "website_facebook": "",
  "website_staff": "",
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "2006-01-01",
  "website_donate": "",
  "name": "Alliance for Cooperation and Legal Aid Bangladesh (ACLAB)",
  "website_mission": "",
  "ids": [  {
    "id": "BD-NAB-2053",
    "active": true
  "registration_id": "2053",
  "website_contact": "",
  "year_founded": 2006,
  "id": "BD-NAB-2053",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "country": "Bangladesh",
    "city": "Dhaka",
    "address_1": "13 Tajmahal Road",
    "county": "Dhaka District",
    "sublocality": "Mohammadpur",
    "state": "Dhaka Division",
    "postal": "1207",
    "subpremise": "8"
  "website_works": true
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "BE",
  "ids": [  {
    "id": "BE-BCE-0472172244",
    "active": true
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_id": "0472172244",
  "id": "BE-BCE-0472172244",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "country": "Belgium",
    "city": "Turnhout",
    "address_1": "31 Molenstraat",
    "county": "Antwerpen",
    "sublocality": "Turnhout",
    "state": "Vlaanderen",
    "postal": "2300"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "BT",
  "website": "",
  "bt_org_type": "PBO",
  "website_instagram": "",
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "2013-06-14",
  "email": "",
  "name": "Bhutan Animal Rescue and Care",
  "ids": [  {
    "id": "BT-CSOA_PBO-26",
    "active": true
  "registration_id": "26",
  "id": "BT-CSOA_PBO-26",
  "mailing_address": {"country": "Bhutan"},
  "phone": "+975 77103517",
  "website_works": false
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "BG",
  "bg_org_type": "Сдружение",
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    "country": "Bulgaria",
    "address_1": "р-н Средец п.к.1040, бул.\"Васил Левски\", №75"
  "name": "Българска Асоциация На Спортните Педагози",
  "phone": "9734741"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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  "ic_organization_type": "AUTONÓMICO",
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "1997-4-17",
  "email": "",
  "ids": [  {
    "id": "IC-CAN-G1S11067897TF",
    "active": true
  "ic_activities": "MUSICA POPULAR Y FOLKLORICA",
  "registration_id": "G1S11067897TF",
  "year_founded": 1997,
  "id": "IC-CAN-G1S11067897TF",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "county": "Santa Cruz de Tenerife",
    "country": "España",
    "state": "Canarias",
    "postal": "38250",
    "city": "Bajamar",
    "address_1": "Carretera General de Bajamar 111"
  "phone": "922542303",
  "website_works": false
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "CR",
  "ids": [  {
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  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_id": "503",
  "id": "CR-NR-503",
  "mailing_address": {"country": "Costa Rica"},
  "name": "Asociación De Desarrollo Integral De La Lucha De La Tigra De San Carlos Alajuela"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "dk_org_type": "Forening",
  "registration_country": "DK",
  "ids": [  {
    "id": "DK-CVR-10021170",
    "active": true
  "dk_industry_code": "949900 Andre organisationer og foreninger i.a.n.",
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "1985-10-24",
  "registration_id": "10021170",
  "dk_commune": "KOLDING",
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  "dk_registration": "",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "country": "Denmark",
    "postal": "6000",
    "city": "Kolding",
    "address_1": "Topasvej 18"
  "name": "Kolding Kammerorkester"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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  "website": "",
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  "website_twitter": "",
  "website_staff": "",
  "website_instagram": "",
  "registration_active": true,
  "website_donate": "",
  "email": "",
  "name": "Fundacion Red De Misericordia, Inc.",
  "website_mission": "",
  "mission": "Somos una red cristiana de servidores y colaboradores, comprometidos con la gloria de Dios, que trabaja con niños, niñas y adolescentes en condiciones de vulnerabilidad, brindándoles protección y atención a sus necesidades inmediatas, aplicando las verdades bíblicas para su desarrollo integral e inserción en la sociedad.",
  "ids":   [
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      "active": true
      "id": "DO-RNC-430107506",
      "active": true
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      "active": true
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  "id": "DO-RNH-0046732011",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "country": "Dominican Republic",
    "postal": "1397",
    "address_1": "Avenida Estrella Sadhalá esq. Calle 8",
    "address_2": "Reparto Universitario Santiago"
  "phone": "8293442351",
  "website_works": true
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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  "website_facebook": "",
  "website_instagram": "",
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "2006-05-15",
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  "name": "LOGRUS - kansainvälinen nuorisoaloitteiden tukiyhdistys ry",
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      "id": "XI-BRIDGE-4572192",
      "active": true
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  "id": "FI-PRO-20401442",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "country": "Finland",
    "city": "Helsinki",
    "address_1": "Haapaniemenkatu 7-9 B 1223"
  "phone": "358451537303",
  "website_works": true
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "HU",
  "hu_classification": "Kulturális és információs, kommunikációs tevékenység (pl. helyi tömegkommunikáció, művészeti tevékenység, kulturális örökség megőrzése, közgyűjtemény, kiadás, épített környezett védelme, népművészet, hagyományőrzés, közművelődés, kisebbségi, nemzetiségi kultúra ápolása)",
  "hu_degree_of_public_benefit": "Közhasznú",
  "hu_version_number": "16",
  "hu_supported_from_abroad": "Nem",
  "registration_active": true,
  "hu_org_type": "Alapítvány, közalapítvány",
  "name": "Hangkeltő Alapítvány",
  "hu_full_tin": "HU-FTIN-18629482-1-43",
  "hu_date_of_last_amendment": "2024-08-21",
  "hu_tin": "HU-TIN-18629482",
  "mission": "Alapvető célunk, hogy közelebb hozzuk a mindenkori fiatal magyar generációhoz a\nzenélés örömét, a kóruséneklés és hangszeres zenélés élményének megismertetése által.\nFontosnak tartjuk, hogy mindenki találkozhasson a karéneklés és hangszeres zenélés\nszépségeivel, mind befogadói mind pedig előadói oldalról.\nAz Alapítvány további célja a magyar kulturális örökség megóvása, a magyar amatőr\nkóruséneklés hagyományainak ápolása.\nEnnek érdekében az Alapítvány működése megkezdésétől támogatni kívánja a 2009-ben\nalapított Vox Insana Kamarakórust, és a 2011-ben létrejött MediCantare Leánykart.\nAmennyiben az Alapítvány vagyoni lehetőségei később lehetővé teszik, az Alapítvány egyéb\nzenei együttesek működését is támogatni kívánja, továbbá az énekelni és zenélni vágyó\nfiatalok részére zeneelméleti, zenetörténeti, népzenei, zenei hagyományőrző foglalkozásokat,\nígy népi-, régizenei- énekek és ahhoz kapcsolódó néptánc oktatást, zenés népi játékokat,\ntáborokat, versenyeket szervez.\nEnnek érdekében az Alapítvány 2018-ban létrehozta az ImPulzus - Kreatív Zenei Műhelyet,\namelyben a korábban az énekkarokban alkalmazott módszereket és képzési eszközöket a teljes\nnyilvánosság elé tárjuk. Kórushangképzési és hangszeres foglalkozásokat, a zenei folyamat és\nbelső logika megértését célzó fejlesztő programokat, illetve nemzetközi workshopokat\nszervezünk, amelyek vonzó kapcsolódási lehetőségeket kínálnak a komolyzenéhez, és\nhosszútávon is elkötelezetté tehetik növendékeinket az aktív zenélés ügye mellett. Az\nAlapítvány fontosnak tartja, hogy mindenki számára elérhető legyen a zenetanulás –\njövedelemtől függetlenül, ezért indítottuk el az ImPulzus Társadalmi Felelősségvállalási\nProgramot.\nFiatal együtteseknél gyakran előfordul, hogy egy-egy terv (nagyobb apparátust igénylő\nfellépések, versenyeken, fesztiválokon való részvétel, zenei és szakmai kiadványok\npublikálása) nem valósul meg anyagi vagy szervezési akadályok miatt.\nAz Alapítvány céljai megvalósítása során törekszik arra, hogy az általa támogatott együttesek\nés általa szervezett rendezvények határainkon innen és túl egyaránt ismertté váljanak, és a\nmagyar kóruskultúra jelenkori elemei folyamatos kölcsönhatásban legyenek a nemzetközi\nirányelvekkel.",
  "ids":   [
      "id": "HU-CSNS-01010011989",
      "active": true
      "id": "HU-CSNS_OLD-119892014",
      "active": true
  "hu_last_version_date": "2024-11-25",
  "registration_id": "01010011989",
  "id": "HU-CSNS-01010011989",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "sublocality": "XXII. kerület",
    "country": "Hungary",
    "postal": "1221",
    "city": "Budapest",
    "subpremise": "emelet/12",
    "address_1": "Regényes utca 6"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "IE",
  "website": "",
  "website_facebook": "",
  "website_twitter": "",
  "website_staff": "",
  "website_instagram": "",
  "website_privacy": "",
  "registration_active": true,
  "website_donate": "",
  "ie_org_type": "Company Limited by Guarantee",
  "name": "Mayo Mental Health Association.",
  "ids":   [
      "id": "IE-RCN-20018214",
      "active": true
      "id": "IE-CHY-7866",
      "active": true
      "id": "IE-CRO-42531",
      "active": true
  "registration_id": "20018214",
  "website_contact": "",
  "id": "IE-RCN-20018214",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "country": "Ireland",
    "state": "County Mayo",
    "postal": "F23 KN20",
    "neighborhood": "Knockthomas",
    "city": "Castlebar",
    "address_1": "2 New Antrim Street"
  "website_works": true
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "IL",
  "employee_count": 1,
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "1983-01-03",
  "il_year_of_last_financial_report_reporting": "2021",
  "name": "האיגוד הישראלי למדעי המעבדה הרפואית (ע~ר)",
  "il_activity_areas": "תל אביב,המרכז",
  "ids": [  {
    "id": "IL-RA-580012334",
    "active": true
  "il_industry_activity_classification": "בריאות או הצלת חיים",
  "il_places_of_activity": "תל אביב - יפו",
  "registration_id": "580012334",
  "id": "IL-RA-580012334",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "county": "HaSharon",
    "country": "Israel",
    "state": "Center District",
    "city": "Kfar Yona",
    "address_1": "Golani Street"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "IT",
  "ids": [  {
    "id": "IT-CF-02110710791",
    "active": true
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_id": "02110710791",
  "id": "IT-CF-02110710791",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "county": "Provincia di Reggio Calabria",
    "country": "Italy",
    "state": "Calabria",
    "postal": "89035",
    "city": "Bova Marina",
    "address_1": "22 Via Monte Bianco"
  "name": "AIAB CALABRIA"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "JP",
  "jp_name_of_representive": "槇野 礼子",
  "jp_program_areas": "社会教育 / まちづくり / 環境の保全 / 科学技術の振興 / 職業能力・雇用機会 / 連絡・助言・援助",
  "jp_agency": "高知県",
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "2008-01-16",
  "name": "特定非営利活動法人アグリ支援会",
  "mission": "この法人は、農業を守り育て、地域作りに貢献できる人材を育成するため、就農希望者に対して技術援助等の支援活動を行うとともに、環境保全型農業の推進を通じて、農村の多様な環境創造と地域社会の活性化を図り、もって緑豊かな高知県の農業の発展に寄与することを目的とする。",
  "ids": [  {
    "id": "JP-CN-4490005004299",
    "active": true
  "registration_id": "4490005004299",
  "year_founded": 2008,
  "id": "JP-CN-4490005004299",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "county": "高岡郡",
    "country": "日本",
    "state": "高知県",
    "city": "四万十町"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "2013-5-21",
  "website_board": "",
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  "email": "",
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  "mission": "Organizata është themeluar me qëllim të përmirësimit të shëndetit të foshnjave duke zhvilluar sisteme më të mira për kujdesin ndaj grave shtatzëna dhe foshnjave të tyre.",
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      "active": true
      "id": "XK-SPP-60011184",
      "active": false
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  "registration_id": "52002753",
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    "address_3": "Hyrja. VI, Nr. 8",
    "country": "Kosovo",
    "postal": "10000",
    "city": "Prishtinë",
    "address_1": "Eqrem Çabej",
    "address_2": "Lam 4"
  "phone": "+38349110333",
  "website_works": true
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "KG",
  "kg_ownership_form": "Частная",
  "employee_count": 3,
  "registration_active": false,
  "registration_date": "2009-08-24",
  "kg_legal_form": "Общественное объединение",
  "kg_okved_name": "Деятельность прочих общественных организаций, не включенных в другие группировки",
  "name": "Общественное объединение \"ЭРУДИТ\"",
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      "active": false
      "id": "KG-TIN-02408200910122",
      "active": false
      "id": "KG-ID-1073603301ОО",
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  "year_founded": 2009,
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  "mailing_address":   {
    "sublocality": "ОКТЯБРЬСКИЙ РАЙОН",
    "country": "Кыргызстан",
    "neighborhood": "БИШКЕК",
    "city": "ОКТЯБРЬСКИЙ РАЙОН",
    "subpremise": "11",
    "address_2": "11"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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  "registration_country": "LV",
  "ids": [  {
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  "registration_date": "2015-06-10",
  "registration_id": "40008238935",
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  "mailing_address":   {
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    "postal": "5417",
    "city": "Daugavpils",
    "address_1": "Puškina iela 90 - 49"
  "name": "\"Daugavpils Krievu Rakstnieku Organizācija\""
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "LU",
  "ids": [  {
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  "lu_legal_form": "Association sans but lucratif",
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "2015-1-21",
  "registration_id": "F0010244",
  "year_founded": 2015,
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  "mailing_address":   {
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    "country": "Luxembourg",
    "state": "District de Luxembourg",
    "postal": "4755",
    "city": "Pétange",
    "address_1": "10 Rue de Linger"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "MX",
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      "active": false
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    "sublocality": "Las Lanchitas",
    "country": "Mexico",
    "state": "Hidalgo",
    "postal": "42090",
    "city": "Pachuca de Soto",
    "address_1": "Doctor Luis Ponce Romero 207"
  "name": "Quedate Con Nosotros, A.c.",
  "phone": "7717182481"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "ME",
  "me_legal_form": "Udr. koje je osn. dom. fiz.lice",
  "me_activities": "Kultura",
  "ids": [  {
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    "active": true
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "2001-10-05",
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  "id": "ME-MOI-1295",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "country": "Montenegro",
    "city": "Herceg Novi",
    "state": "Herceg Novi Municipality"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "MA",
  "ids": [  {
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  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_id": "220144",
  "year_founded": 2018,
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  "mailing_address":   {
    "county": "Anfa",
    "sublocality": "Hay Hassani",
    "country": "Maroc",
    "state": "Casablanca-Settat",
    "city": "Casablanca"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "NZ",
  "website": "",
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  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "2016-02-16",
  "website_donate": "",
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  "name": "New Zealand Python User Group Incorporated",
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    "address_1": "c/o Catalyst IT Limited, Level 6, Catalyst House",
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## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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  "email": "",
  "mk_en_name": "Macedonian Nanny Association",
  "name": "Здружение На Граѓани Македонска Асоцијација На Дадилки Скопје",
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    "state": "Град Скопје",
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## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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    "county": "Oslo kommune",
    "state": "Oslo",
    "postal": "1151",
    "subpremise": "1151"
  "phone": "47 473 87 027",
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## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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  "ps_vision": "ASHTAR for Theatre Productions and Training works towards a creative and developed Palestinian society that embraces theatre as an essential engine for culture and development.",
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "2004-06-29",
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  "name": "عشتار للانتاج المسرحي والتدريب",
  "mission": "ASHTAR aims to educate a free, creative, inventive Palestinian citizen, who is able to express him or herself and communicate with his or her environment and the world; and to contribute to the creation of a cultured social state that adopts the principles of freedom, justice and equality in Palestine through theatre productions and training programs targeted at marginalized groups, such as youth and women on the one hand, and the theatre community, local and international audiences on the other hand, in a manner that guarantees sustainability.",
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  "year_founded": 1991,
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  "mailing_address":   {
    "country": "Palestine",
    "address_1": "ش. الارسال,مقابل بنك فلسطبن المصايف, رام الله",
    "address_2": "ط. 0,ع. صن رايز,"
  "phone": "97222980037",
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## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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  "registration_date": "2019-06-11",
  "name": "Európsky olympijský festival mládeže Banská Bystrica 2022",
  "sk_legal_form": "Nezisková organizácia poskytujúca všeobecne prospešné služby",
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    "active": true
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  "registration_id": "52475808",
  "id": "SK-ICO-52475808",
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    "county": "Banská Bystrica",
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    "state": "Banskobystrický kraj",
    "postal": "974 01",
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## API GET Request
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    "state": "Western Province",
    "city": "Wattala",
    "address_1": "No 30 Beach Road."
  "phone": "0112930635",
  "website_works": true
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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  "name": "learn4life",
  "mission": "Der Verein bezweckt die Förderung von Chancengleichheit und Integration durch Unterstützung von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen im Bereich Bildung.",
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    "state": "Bern",
    "postal": "3098",
    "city": "Köniz",
    "address_1": "Schwarzenburgstrasse 260"
  "phone": "031 971 75 75",
  "website_works": true
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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    "country": "Україна",
    "state": "Кіровоградська область",
    "postal": "26201",
    "city": "Мала Виска"
  "name": "Наше місто - спільний дім",
  "ua_type": "Громадське об'єднання (із статусом юридичної особи) (архівна реєстрація)"
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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  "mission": "GlobalGiving UK helps smaller charities working in local communties worldwide become more self reliant and sustainable. We do this through access to more funding (through, skilled volunteers and free training  - using technology to maximise access and minimise cost. We work to get more money to our partners and for that money to be used in the best possible way.",
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    "postal": "W1G 9RJ",
    "address_1": "87 Wimpole Street"
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## API GET Request
// JSON Response
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      "active": true
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  "year_founded": 2006,
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  "mailing_address": {"country": "Venezuela"},
  "phone": "02122042112",
  "website_works": true

You can download a bulk JSON or CSV file with the full set of records for each country using our API or via our website, making it easy to integrate GlobalGiving Atlas data into your application or workflow. Want to learn more?

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