In Japan
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Download the Complete List of Nonprofits and Charities in Japan

GlobalGiving Atlas makes it easy to access the database of 59,021 nonprofits in Japan. Use our standardized API or JSON or CSV files to download all NGO data for Japan—plus many more countries and region!

JSON Example
## API GET Request
// JSON Response
  "registration_country": "JP",
  "jp_name_of_representive": "槇野 礼子",
  "jp_program_areas": "社会教育 / まちづくり / 環境の保全 / 科学技術の振興 / 職業能力・雇用機会 / 連絡・助言・援助",
  "jp_agency": "高知県",
  "registration_active": true,
  "registration_date": "2008-01-16",
  "name": "特定非営利活動法人アグリ支援会",
  "mission": "この法人は、農業を守り育て、地域作りに貢献できる人材を育成するため、就農希望者に対して技術援助等の支援活動を行うとともに、環境保全型農業の推進を通じて、農村の多様な環境創造と地域社会の活性化を図り、もって緑豊かな高知県の農業の発展に寄与することを目的とする。",
  "ids": [  {
    "id": "JP-CN-4490005004299",
    "active": true
  "registration_id": "4490005004299",
  "year_founded": 2008,
  "id": "JP-CN-4490005004299",
  "mailing_address":   {
    "county": "高岡郡",
    "country": "日本",
    "state": "高知県",
    "city": "四万十町"

The largest database of NGOs

GlobalGiving Atlas has more than 9.8 million validated nonprofits, charities, and NGOs, including 59,021 charities and nonprofits in Japan, making it the largest list of nonprofits available.

Validated Nonprofits

GlobalGiving Atlas combines government data, public information, and other reliable sources to ensure that each entry is a valid nonprofit in Japan.

Always Up-to-Date

GlobalGiving Atlas is updated frequently, ensuring that you always have the most up-to-date, verified information for nonprofits, charities, and NGOs in Japan and never have to rely on expired data from questionable sources.

How customers are using GlobalGiving Atlas

green checkmark icon
Creating maps of aid flow
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Powering disaster relief
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Enabling volunteer platforms
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Managing grant and giving programs
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Validating of registration status

Questions? We're here to help.

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